상식 있는 영어로
"상식 있는" 예문"상식 있는" 뜻
영어 번역
- well-balanced
- 상식 상식 [上食] the offering of food to the
- 있는 interred; present; being
- 상식 상식 [上食] the offering of food to the spirit ; food offered to the spirit .상식 [常食] daily[usual] food; staple; a diet. ~하다 live[diet / subsist] on . 중국인들은 대부분이 쌀을 ~한다 Many Chinese exist on a diet of ri
- 김상식 kim sang-sik
- 몰상식 몰상식 [沒常識] lack of (common) sense; senselessness; thoughtlessness; absurdity; irrationality. ~하다 absurd; preposterous; thoughtless; have no common sense. 아주 ~한 utterly absurd / ridiculous. 그건 ~하기 짝이
- 시상식 Award ceremonies
- afc 시상식 Asian Football Confederation awards
- 김상식 (축구인) Kim Sang-sik
- 몰상식한 one brick short of a full load; around the bend; insensible; meshugge; off one’s rocket; off one’s trolley; senseless; nutzoid; deranged; over the edge; nutso; nuts; lacking perception; mad; daft; o
- 문학적 비상식 Literary nonsense
- 비상식량 Emergency rations
- 비상식의 derisive; irrational; derisory; farcical; laughable; absurd; nonsensical; pappyshow; ridonkulous; ridiculous
- 상식 (소책자) Common Sense
- 상식밖의 spiritual; rare; uncommon; earthless; exceptional; unusual; not common
- 상식을 벗어난 vagarious